Breaking News Story: We'll Never Hear the End of Steroids in Baseball.
In recent news, the House Oversight Committee has now invited Roger Clemens, Andy Pettitte, and Brian McNamee, Clemens' former trainer (yes, the one who claims to have injected him with steroids and/or HGH), to appear on January 16 to testify on the Congressional investigation of the Mitchell Report.
The response from Clemens (who from this point forward will only speak via his lawyer, as opposed to the logical action of coming outright and denying claims... that is IF you weren't guilty):
"Roger is willing to answer questions, including those posed to him while under oath," said Clemens' lawyer, Rusty Hardin. "We hope to determine shortly if schedules and other commitments can accommodate the committee on that date."
Schedules and other commitments? I'm not sure what anyone else got from this, but what I read between the lines is that Clemens has a lot of work to do in the next 5+ months deciding about when he will make his "un"-retirement from baseball and with whom he will do so. If you aren't guilty, just man up and tell everyone such, that your trainer injected you with what you thought was B-12, and so you never "knowingly" took steroids or HGH. If that doesn't work, there is always the Floyd Landis variety pack of excuses, including: naturally high testosterone, drinking alcohol, dehydration, thyroid medication, and a conspiracy against him.
I'm partial to the drinking alcohol one, which has a dual-use in explaining those countless nights he and Andy Pettite had "working out late together".
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